If sex sells why isn't the church doing better? OK, churches I know are rarely sexy, but if one "Diggs" the word 'church' at popular news agrregator Digg.com 8 out of the 10 top stories have something to do with the church and sex. Topping the list: the Catholic pedophilia scandal, next down: the pro/anti homosexuality conflict in the USA with all the lunatic fringe weighing in. So has the church become all about sex these days?
In a word, no. In fact most places I have been sex is rarely mentioned let alone made a topic of frequent or contentious debate, at least up till the last few years. In my home tradition of Lutheranism we have had a recent spate of uproar about blessing same sex unions and gay clergy. For it or against it, you cannot deny it is polarizing. It has been all folks are talking about in the denomination. So what gives? Jesus rarely preached about sex. The apostles certainly brought it up, but it was hardly central to their message. Even Old Testament references to it, though strong, were passing. When did we get the idea that we should be all about sex?
Here is the real kicker. I don't think that us Christians did decided to be all about sex. In fact l don't think it is any more of an issue now than ever before. I think the world is talking about Christians and sex, and even Christians are talking about the church and sex, because it is the only interesting thing we seem to be doing. The bottom line seems to be that we have allowed Christianity to become boring. It is no wonder the press of the world jump on anything titillating happening with us. Otherwise we would disappear off their radar. Westboro Baptist Church is nobody. A fringe of the fringe of the fringe of the lunatic fringe. But they get on the news all the time because what they do is interesting. Horrifying, but interesting.
How did the most exciting thing to happen to humanity become something so boring? So passionless? So bland that the world is more interested in our scandals than our accomplishments?
I'm going to let you chew on that yourself. No answers here. I have opinions, but not answers. You need to find the answer for yourself. So, move on folks. Nothing to see here. Hey look over there! I think someone did something controversial!
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